Our Pastor

Pastor Peplinski (a.k.a Pastor Pep) was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. He was one of six children and all of his siblings are Packers, Brewers, Bucks, and Badger fans. He was saved as an adult after many years of appearing ‘religious’ on the outside, but inwardly as wicked as wicked can be.

He served in the USAFR for 12 yrs and was a correctional office in the State of Wisconsin, and studied Criminal Justice in the UW system.

After the relentless prayer of his oldest sister and brother in law, (Kathy & Todd LaMalfa) their testimony and witness resulted in his conviction by the Holy Spirit of his personal need of the Lord Jesus as his personal savior. And in 1985 he trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as His Savior, and was baptized by immersion in Oct 1988, and became a member of the East Side Baptist Church in Milwaukee,WI.

He married his wife, Dori, in 1991, and today they have 5 adult children who are living throughout FL and one in PA. As of today they have 3 grandchildren.

After serving the Lord in the local church, he surrender to the Lord’s leading into full time Christian service and graduated from MBBC in 2000. After graduation, he accepted a call from Community Baptist Church to be an associated Pastor, and has been senior Pastor since 2002.

It is Pastor Pep’s desire to faithfully preach and teach the Holy Scriptures, and to edify the saints and to reach the lost.